Sunday 4 September 2011

Europe Trip #9: Welcome to Berlin - Fernsehturm

The final adventure for today was a visit to the Fernsehturm or TV Tower. I saw this as I went around the Hop On, Hop Off bus, and this was one of the places I hopped off. The viewing platform is 203 meters up, and the lifts take 40 seconds at up to 6 meters/ second [around a 1000' per minute if my maths is correct?].

On purchasing a ticket, you are given an estimated entry period consisting of a 10 minute timeframe - in my case, around an hour after ticket purchase - and if you miss the allocated time, then tough bikkies.

Despite a little bit of haze in the area, I still gor a great view around the city, and wow, it's big! Following are 4 pictures - the first of the tower itself, the second and third are general photos. The fourth shows the Brandenburg Tor anSiegessäule [blue and red arrows respectively]. Keep in mind that the distance between those arrows is almost 3kms!

As you can tell, it has been a busy first day! Tomorrow I hope to walk to the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin [German Museum of Technology Berlin]. It should be about a 25 minute walk and it contains several sections, including an aviation section which I am particularly looking forward to.

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