Saturday 19 September 2009

Europe Trip #15: Salzburg - 4 - The Cathedral

This final post in my Salzburg series covers the Cathedral located in the middle of the old part of town. This cathedral is a Catholic church [apparantly there are about 42 Catholic churches in Salzburg - and 1 Protestant church!]. Entry is by donation, and they are happy for people to take photographs! I did see a sign [written in German of course] which said something about photographs - I presume it referred to not taking photos during services?

The first two photos are of mosaics on the ceilings, followed by part of the organ, then other bits and pieces. Obviously it was quite dim inside which made taking photographs quite challenging.

I won´t say much more here except that it´s well worth the visit [actually, Salzburg itself is well worth the visit]. Enjoy!

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