Thursday 6 September 2012

On holiday and at the Paralympics!

Well, I've made it to London and am now "officially" on holiday!

I won't bore you with all the details of the flight [it's probably enough of a description to say 31.5 hours of travel, 5 or so hours of sleep], but I'm here, relaxed and happy!

I'm staying with my sister, brother in law and little niece, so that makes for fun times as well. It seems that 14 month olds can go from super cute to super grumpy and back again, in the blink of an eye. Fun times!

On Tuesday Rochelle [my awesome sister], Ferne [the niece] and I went to London Zoo... I forgot to take my camera [!], but in my jetlagged state, I did manage to put on my "animals taste good" t-shirt... Doh! This was commented on by the staff at the zoo entrance [I think they had a sense of humour about it!], and I felt somewhat self conscious for the rest of the trip... not the mention mocked by Rochelle! ha ha. More fun times!

Tuesday evening, we went to the Paralympics at the Olympic stadium. Wow! It was awesome! The place looked almost packed out, and the crowd was in a great mood. All of the athletes got cheered, and every who was able stood for the national anthems, irrespective of who won. Mind you, and unsurprisingly, when "team GB" won, the cheers did get louder.

I only heard two "boos" the entire evening. One was very good natured when a long jump competitor, who had already won the gold, but had one jump left, gave it heaps and got red flagged for overstepping the line. The poor umpire, but I guess everyone knew it was fair enough :-)

The other was when the British Home Secretary, Teresa May, was announced as presenting some medals, virtually the entire crowd started booing! Ha! Looks like politicians the world over are loved the same! Oh well.

Security was well organised, and everything flowed well. Even that great British tradition, the queue, was mercifully short to get in, get food, whatever.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the evening. Enjoy!

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