Friday 21 September 2012

More Titanic in Belfast

After visiting the Titanic dry-dock and pump station, I went to another big an obvious Titanic tourist attraction. This is in the big building from the previous post. After making that post, I realised I didn't have many pictures of this one, so you'll need to use your imagination a little more this time!

This attraction is also fairly new [both of them are in what is called the "Titanic Quarter" of Belfast], and unlike the dry-dock, this is a brand new building, and appears designed as more of an immersive experience, with very high use of technology. The exhibits lead visitors through what Belfast was like from hundreds of years ago, right through to when the Titanic was built, and tries to give visitors an impression of what went into building the ship. The surprise for me was that after the first few exhibits and audio visual presentations, you are taken up to the top floor in a lift, and soon after that, onto a gentle suspended ride through the build of the Titanic. A really nice tough!

Without wanting to spoil the surprise, there is also a wrap-around fly-through of the finished ship and a video of a relatively recent dive onto the wreck plus much more. It's one of those things you really need to visit to understand.

Anyway, here are the pictures. The first is the building again [impressive in its own right!], the view out of one of the buildings and lastly, something completely unrelated, a big fish they are all rather proud of...

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