Sunday 4 October 2009

Europe Trip #24: London - 9 - The Tower of London

Straight after the Tower Bridge, I went to the Tower of London.

What an awesome place! The Yeoman Warders did a good job of introducing the place and some of the history [they were very humorous too!]. As you'll see from the photos the buildings are impressive. I feel [slightly] sorry for the guard trying to stand still with all these tourists taking photos of him :-)

Most impressive in the whole place were the Crown Jewels. Unfortunately, along with the various exhibitions [the collection of Henry the Eight's armour was awesome, although I think it is finished now], photos were not allowed, although photos were permitted pretty much everywhere else.

The final picture is a small cell. No loo [I guess that many of the occupants would not have lived long enough to need one...], nor any room to lie down and relax before an appointment with a gentleman to have ones head surgically removed in a town meeting convened especially for that purpose. Ouch!

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