Thursday, 17 July 2014

Home improvements

This is a quick update on the exterior repaint that has been happening recently...

Firstly, most of the prep work has been completed, including the primer/ undercoat for almost all of the main body of the building and much of the railings on the deck. Nice. A portion of the window and door prep is also complete. It is mainly the deck surface and a couple of trickier bits of the building to be finished.

Assuming the weather improves, that should be all but complete in the next few days, then on to the top coats. The three of us who own the building are all but agreed on the top coat colours - I hope to have confirmation in the next day or two, so that can start next week.

I doubt it will be finished before my next holiday, but it would be well and truly finished, and looking rather flash, when I get back from my break!

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